

金融商品を取引するとき、一番の壁は専門用語です。また、一般的な用語でも、株価・為替(FX, CFD), 仮想通貨などでは違う意味で使われていることもあります。そんな時に便利な用語辞典をご用意しました。取引を始めたばかりの初心者から経験者まで全ての方に片手間で調べたい時に、ささやかですが、是非参考にしてください。

When we trade financial products, the number one barrier is terminologies. In addition, even general terms we use in our lives in the financial world such as stock, forex, cryptocurrencies may have different meanings. In such a case, this site has prepared a convenient term dictionary. It’s a small thing, but please refer to it when you want to find out glossaries with one hand for all investors from beginners who have just started trading to experienced people.




Modest decline in price.

Economic Exposure

Reflects the impact of foreign exchange changes on the future competitive position of a company in the sense of the impact it can have on the future cash flows of the company.

Economic Indicator

A statistic which indicates current economic growth rates and trends such as retail sales and employment.

ECU – European Currency Unit

A basket of the member currencies. As a composite unit, the ECU consists of all the European Community currencies, which are individually weighted. It was created by the European Monetary System with the eventual goal of replacing the individual European member currencies.

Effective Exchange Rate

An attempt to summarize the effects on a country’s trade balance of its currency’s changes against other currencies.

Either Way Market

In the Euro Interbank deposit market where both bid and offer rates for a particular period are the same.

Epsilon ε

The change in the price of an option associated with a 1% change in implied volatility (technically the first derivative of the option price with respect to volatility). Also referred to as eta η, vega, omega ω and kappa κ.


Exchange Rate Mechanism.

Euro Clear

A computerized settlement and depository system for safe custody, delivery of, and payment for Eurobonds.


A long-term loan issued in a currency other than that of the country or market in which it is issued. Interest is paid without the deduction of tax.


A currency domiciled outside its country of origin normally held by non-residents.


US dollars deposited in a bank (US or non US) located outside the USA.


Swiss Franc (formerly also Belgian Francs) traded on the Eurocurrency market. Normally Swiss Francs are the more common currency.


Deutschmarks traded on the Eurocurrency market.

European Option

An option that can be exercised only on its expiration date rather than before that date.

European Union

The group formerly known as the European Community.

Exchange Control

A system of controlling inflows and outflows of foreign exchange. Exchange Control devices include licensing multiple currencies, quotas, auctions, limits, levies and surcharges.

Exchange Rate Risk

The potential loss that could be incurred from an adverse movement in exchange rates.

Exercise Limit

A limit on the number of options contracts a holder may exercise within a specific period.

Exercise Notice

The formal notification that the holder of a call (or put) option wishes to buy (or sell) the underlying security at the exercise price.

Exercise Value

For a call option, this is the amount by which the strike price is below the underlying investment; for a put option, it is the amount by which the strike price is above the underlying investment.


A less broadly traded currency.

Expiration Date

(1) Options – the last date after which the option can no longer be exercised.

(2) Bonds – the date on which a bond matures.

Expiration Month

The month in which an option expires.

Expiry Date

The last day on which the holder of an option can exercise his right to buy or sell the underlying security.
The last date on which an option can be bought or sold.


The total amount of money loaned to a borrower or country. Banks set rules to prevent overexposure to any single borrower. In trading operations, it is the potential for running a profit or loss from fluctuations in market prices.

*These glossaries are based on easyMarkets educational tools.

