

金融商品を取引するとき、一番の壁は専門用語です。また、一般的な用語でも、株価・為替(FX, CFD), 仮想通貨などでは違う意味で使われていることもあります。そんな時に便利な用語辞典をご用意しました。取引を始めたばかりの初心者から経験者まで全ての方に片手間で調べたい時に、ささやかですが、是非参考にしてください。

When we trade financial products, the number one barrier is terminologies. In addition, even general terms we use in our lives in the financial world such as stock, forex, cryptocurrencies may have different meanings. In such a case, this site has prepared a convenient term dictionary. It’s a small thing, but please refer to it when you want to find out glossaries with one hand for all investors from beginners who have just started trading to experienced people.



Hard Currency

A currency whose value is expected to remain stable or increase in terms of other currencies.

Head and Shoulders

A pattern in price trends which chartists consider indicative of a price trend reversal. In this pattern, the price has risen for some time, and at the peak of the left shoulder, profit taking has caused the price to drop or level. The price then rises steeply again to the head before more profit taking causes the price to drop to around the same level as the shoulder. A further modest rise or level will indicate that a further major fall is imminent. The breach of the neckline is the indication to sell.


The purchase or sale of options or futures contracts as a temporary substitute for a transaction to be made at a later date. Usually it involves opposite positions in the cash, futures or options markets.


A hedging transaction is one whose main aim is to protect an asset or liability against a fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate, rather than profit from the exchange rate fluctuations.


Hong Kong Inter-bank Offered Rate.

Historical Volatility

The annualized standard deviation of percentage changes in futures prices over a specific period. It is an indication of past volatility in the marketplace.

Hit the Bid

Acceptance of purchasing at the offer, or selling at the bid.


Same as buyer.

Housing Starts

Housing starts are a measure of the number of residential units on which construction has begun each month.


Very high and self-sustaining inflation levels. One definition is the period from which inflation exceeds 50%, until it drops below that level for 12 months.

*These glossaries are based on easyMarkets educational tools.

