

金融商品を取引するとき、一番の壁は専門用語です。また、一般的な用語でも、株価・為替(FX, CFD), 仮想通貨などでは違う意味で使われていることもあります。そんな時に便利な用語辞典をご用意しました。取引を始めたばかりの初心者から経験者まで全ての方に片手間で調べたい時に、ささやかですが、是非参考にしてください。

When we trade financial products, the number one barrier is terminologies. In addition, even general terms we use in our lives in the financial world such as stock, forex, cryptocurrencies may have different meanings. In such a case, this site has prepared a convenient term dictionary. It’s a small thing, but please refer to it when you want to find out glossaries with one hand for all investors from beginners who have just started trading to experienced people.




A recovery in price after a period of decline.


The difference between the highest and lowest price of a future recorded during a given trading session.


The price of one currency in terms of another. It has the same meaning as the term parities.

Ratio Calendar Spread

Selling more near-term options than longer maturity options at the same strike price.

Ratio Spread

Buying a specific quantity of options and selling a larger quantity of out-of-the-money options.


A decline in prices following an advance.


A price, interest rate or statistic that has been adjusted to eliminate the effect of inflation.


A decline in business activity. Often defined as two consecutive quarters with a real fall in GNP.

Reinvestment Rate

The rate at which interest earned on a loan can be reinvested. The rate may not attract the same level of interest as the principal amount.

Repo Rate

=Repurchase Agreement


French term for premium.

Repurchase Agreement

Agreements by a borrower where they sell securities with a commitment to repurchase them at the same rate with a specified interest rate.

Reserve Currency

A currency held by a central bank on a permanent basis as a store of international liquidity. Reserve currencies are typically Dollar, EURO, and Japanese Yen.

Reserve Requirement

The ratio of reserves to deposits, expressed as a fraction prescribed by national banking authorities, including US.

Reserve Tranche

(French) The 25% of its quota to which a member of the IMF has unconditional access, and for which there is no obligation to repay.


Funds held against future contingencies, normally a combination of convertible foreign currency, gold, and SDRs. Official reserves are to ensure that a government can meet near term obligations. They are an asset in the balance of payments.


A price level at which the selling is expected to take place.

Resistance Point or Level

A price recognized by technical analysts as a price which is likely to result in a rebound but if broken through is likely to result in a significant price movement.

Retail Price Index

Measurement of the monthly change in the average level of prices at retail, normally of a defined group of goods.

Retail Sales

Retail Sales are a measure of the total receipts of retail stores. Monthly percentage changes reflect the rate of change of such sales and are widely followed as an indicator of consumer spending. Rises in Retail Sales are often associated with a strong economy, and therefore an expectation of higher short term interest rates that are often supportive to a currency in at least the short term.

Reuter Dealing

A system for screen based trading that has been in operation since the early 1980s. Reuter Dealing now has a matching optional enhancement known as Dealing 2000-2.


Increase in the exchange rate of a currency as a result of official action.

Revaluation Rate

The rate for any period or currency which is used to revalue a position or book.


Process of changing a call into a put.

Risk management

The identification and acceptance, or offsetting of the risks threatening the profitability or existence of an organization. With respect to foreign exchange, involves among others consideration of market, sovereign, country, transfer, delivery, credit, and counterparty risk.

Risk Position

An asset or liability, which is exposed to fluctuations in value through changes in exchange rates or interest rates.

Risk Premium

Additional sum payable, or return, to compensate a party for adopting a particular risk.

Risk Reversal

A combination of purchasing put options with the sale of call options. The put limits downside, while the call limits the upside.


There are risks associated with any market. It means variance of the returns and the possibility that the actual return might not be in line with the expected returns. The risks associated with trading foreign currencies are: market, exchange, interest rate, yield curve, volatility, liquidity, forced sale, counter party, credit, and country risk.

Rolling over

The substituting of a far option for a near option of the same underlying stock at the same strike/exercise price.


(1) Where the settlement of a deal is carried forward to another value date, based on the interest rate differential of the two currencies example: next day.

(2) An overnight swap, specifically the next business day against the following business day (also called Tomorrow Next, abbreviated to Tom-Next).

Running a Position

Keeping open positions in the hope of a speculative gain.

*These glossaries are based on easyMarkets educational tools.

