

金融商品を取引するとき、一番の壁は専門用語です。また、一般的な用語でも、株価・為替(FX, CFD), 仮想通貨などでは違う意味で使われていることもあります。そんな時に便利な用語辞典をご用意しました。取引を始めたばかりの初心者から経験者まで全ての方に片手間で調べたい時に、ささやかですが、是非参考にしてください。

When we trade financial products, the number one barrier is terminologies. In addition, even general terms we use in our lives in the financial world such as stock, forex, cryptocurrencies may have different meanings. In such a case, this site has prepared a convenient term dictionary. It’s a small thing, but please refer to it when you want to find out glossaries with one hand for all investors from beginners who have just started trading to experienced people.



Valeur Compensee

(French) Payments are said to be “valeur compensee” when payment by one party in one centre, and settlement by the other party in another centre, takes place on the same day.

Value Date

For exchange contracts, it is the day on which the two contracting parties exchange the currencies which are being bought or sold. For complete description see the chapter on trading. For a spot transaction, it is two business banking days forward in the country of the bank providing quotations which determines the spot value date. The only exception to this general rule is the spot day in the quoting centre coinciding with a banking holiday in the country(ies) of the foreign currency(ies). The value date then moves forward a day. The enquirer is the party who must make sure that the spot day coincides with the one applied by the respondent. The forward months maturity must fall on the corresponding date in the relevant calendar month. If the one month date falls on a non-banking day in one of the centers, then the operative date would be the next business day that is common. The adjustment of the maturity for a particular month does not affect the other maturities that will continue to fall on the original corresponding date if they meet the open day requirement. If the last spot date falls on the last business day of a month, the forward dates will match this date by also falling due on the last business day. Also referred to as maturity date.

Value Spot

Normally settlement for two working days from the date the contract is entered into.

Value Today

Transaction executed for same day settlement; sometimes also referred to as “cash transaction”


A simple option whose terms and conditions do not include any provisions other than exercise style, expiry and strike. To compare with exotic options which have additional terms.

Variation Margin

Funds required to be deposited by a client when a price movement has caused funds to fall below the stipulated percentage of the value of the contract.


Expresses the price change of an option for a one per cent change in the implied volatility.

Velocity of Money

The speed with which money circulates, or turnover in the economy. It is calculated as the annual national income; average money stock in the period.

Vertical (Bear or Bull) Spread

The sale of an option with a high exercise price and the purchase (in the case of a bull), or the sale (in the case of a bear), of an option with a lower exercise price. Both options will have the same expiration date.


A measure of the amount by which an asset price is expected to fluctuate over a given period. Normally measured by the annual standard deviation of daily price changes (historic). Can be implied from futures pricing, implied volatility.

Vostro Account

A local currency account maintained with a bank by another bank. The term is normally applied to the counterparty’s account from which funds may be paid into or withdrawn as a result of a transaction.

*These glossaries are based on easyMarkets educational tools.

