

金融商品を取引するとき、一番の壁は専門用語です。また、一般的な用語でも、株価・為替(FX, CFD), 仮想通貨などでは違う意味で使われていることもあります。そんな時に便利な用語辞典をご用意しました。取引を始めたばかりの初心者から経験者まで全ての方に片手間で調べたい時に、ささやかですが、是非参考にしてください。

When we trade financial products, the number one barrier is terminologies. In addition, even general terms we use in our lives in the financial world such as stock, forex, cryptocurrencies may have different meanings. In such a case, this site has prepared a convenient term dictionary. It’s a small thing, but please refer to it when you want to find out glossaries with one hand for all investors from beginners who have just started trading to experienced people.



Wedge Chart Pattern

Chart formation that shows a narrowing price range over time, where price highs in an ascending wedge decrease incrementally, or in a descending wedge, price declines are incrementally smaller. Ascending wedges typically conclude with a downside breakout and descending wedges typically terminate with upside breakouts.


Slang for a highly volatile market where a sharp price movement is quickly followed by a sharp reversal.

Wholesale Money

Money borrowed in large amounts from banks and institutions rather than from small investors.

Wholesale Price

Measures the changes in prices paid by retailers for finished goods. Inflationary pressures typically show earlier than the headline retail.

Wholesale Price Index

Measures changes in prices in the manufacturing and distribution sector of the economy, and tends to lead the consumer price index by 60 to 90 days. The index is often quoted separately for food and industrial products.

Working Balance

Discretionary element in the monetary reserves of a central bank.

Working day

A day on which the banks in a currency’s principal financial center are open for business. For FX transactions, a working day only occurs if the banks in both currencies’ financial centers are open (all relevant currency centers in the case of a cross).

World Bank

A bank made up of members of the IMF whose aim is to assist in the development of member states by making loans where private capital is not available.

Working Order

Where a limit order has been requested but not yet filled.


The seller of a position. Also known as the grantor of the trade. “Writing a Currency” is to sell it.


Acronym for The Wall Street Journal.

*These glossaries are based on easyMarkets and Pacific Union educational tools.

